Back in October 2023 I was delighted to appear as a guest on one of the Voice Over world’s biggest podcasts, ‘How Do You Say That?’, hosted by VO’s dynamic duo, the masterful Mark Ryes and the superb Samantha Boffin.
It was a great experience and, as a Welsh voice over, a chance to get a little spotlight exposure.
Despite my excitement and nervousness, the show was such great fun to do, and both Sam and Mark make it easy for their guests to settle with their warm personalities and genuine love for voices and scripts.
I was delighted to meet them both at the One Voice Awards in May 2024 (where Sam also picked up a well deserved award) and I can confirm that they are both just as fantastic and lovely in real life!
The show is quite unique in that it doesn’t allow for rehearsal, or even a second read, so it demonstrates beautifully how us voice actors make our initial approach to a script or piece of text – which may of course end up nothing like our final read that we commit to the producer!
HDYST? airs every week with a new guest (I never miss it!), but here’s a link to the episode I appeared in, and you’ll find it easy to navigate to the other episodes from there.
or via https://samanthaboffin.co.uk/how-do-you-say-that-podcast/
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